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Classical Open Mic
The Blue Frog Coffeehouse

The Blue Frog Coffeehouse (64 Main St., Cortland) provides an opportunity for classical musicians at "Classical Open Mic", on most Sundays from 11AM until 1PM. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, and at the moment, rather sparse. Only a few musicians have been taking advantage of this opportunity on a regular basis. Emmanuel Sikora (sophomore at Cortland High) plays his own compositions (mostly in the style of Chopin). John Sikora, author of this webpage, sometimes plays classical guitar. Most of this activity is between 12-1PM during the fall and winter. There is NO open mic during the the Blue Frog's Sunday Brunch on the first Sunday of each month.

Why Should YOU Participate in Classical Open Mic?

Contact me, John Sikora, at the Email address below if you have any questions. Also, Emmanuel and I are at the Blue Frog on most Sundays from ~12:00 until ~1:00. See you then!

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